Deliverables - Class Assignments

React Native Simple

Due Date

Due before 6:00 pm on Friday December 3, 2021.

Using React Native and Expo-CLI, you will build an Android / iOS app. Use the expo init command to create and test your project. It should work on either Android or iOS.

# Required Elements

  1. You need to make sure that your content is wrapped with SafeAreaView from react-native-safe-area-context.
  2. Your app should have a Home screen and a Data screen.
  3. Use Bottom Tab Navigation OR Drawer Navigation from React Navigation (opens new window) to navigate between the screens.
  4. The Tabs in the Bottom Nav Bar need to have icons from @expo/vector-icons (opens new window).
  5. The Home page should use <Text> and <Image> components.
  6. The Data page should use <FlatList> to display content.
  7. The data in the list can come from any external API of your choice, except the StarWars API. Here is a great list of public APIS (opens new window)
  8. All the styling should be done through StyleSheet.create(). It can be a shared file with all the styles or a separate page for each component.

# Submission

  • Create a private repo on GitHub with the name mad9135-c5-react-native.
  • Invite GitHub user prof3ssorSt3v3 as a collaborator on your private repo.
  • Submit the URL for your code repo to bs LMS.
Last Updated: : 11/25/2021, 12:16:35 PM