5.2 React Router

# What is client-side routing?

Traditional application page routing would mean loading a whole new HTML page with all of its assets (JavaScript, CSS, images, etc) from the server.

Client-side routing is controlled by your JavaScript application. It more efficiently uses AJAX to fetch any additional required assets (lazy-loading) while using JavaScript to update the DOM.

# Third party libraries

Routing is not a core component of the React UI library. There are several third-party modules that you can use with React. By far, the most popular is called react-router. It has three component libraries: react-router-dom, react-router-native, and the core react-router that is shared by both of the other two.

# Usage

The official documentation is quite good. There is no need to reinvent it here. The core components that you will need are:

I suggest that you start with the Primary Components Guide.

# Demo Example

  1. Create a new React project with create-react-app
  2. Add react-router-dom to the project using yarn
yarn add react-router-dom
  1. Clear out the content of the default <App /> component and its CSS file.
  2. Create three stateless function components called: Home, About, and Contact
  3. Import the BrowserRouter component and make it the top / parent component in the JSX for <App />.
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'
// ... other code ...
return (
    <div className='App'></div>
  1. Create a <nav> area at the top of the <App /> component that has links to the three other view components.
<NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/about">About</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/contact">Contact</NavLink>
  1. Below the nav-bar, add the <Route> matcher components to display the various pages / views.
<Route path="/"><Home /></Route>
<Route path="/about"><About /></Route>
<Route path="/contact"><Contact /></Route>
  1. Add <Switch> component as a wrapper around the <Route /> components

# Dynamic URLs

Often we need to get some route parameters from the URL.

  1. Add another route with a path of /movie/:id
  2. Add <Movie /> component
const Movie = () => {
  const { id } = useParams()
  return <h1>Movie id:{id}</h1>

# Practice Exercise

Create a new React app that will fetch a list of Star Wars films from the swapi.dev API.

  • Display a list of the movie titles on the left side of the page.
  • Make them clickable links.
  • When the title of a movie is clicked, display the full movie details on the right side of the page.

# Solution

You can find the complete solution files that we reviewed in class in this GitHub repo.

Look for the embedded comments in the code for reminders.

# Resources

Last Updated: : 10/10/2020, 11:56:28 AM