Deliverables - Class Assignments

React PWA

Due Date

Due before 9:00 am on Monday November 30, 2020.

Using React, you will build an offline-first PWA with a partner of your choice.

# Instructions

  • Pick a partner in class who is someone that you do not normally work with.
  • You will be doing Pairs Programming with this person.
  • Tell your instructor who your partner is.
  • Use Create React App with the PWA template to scaffold your application.
  • Use the Google Workbox library to augment the service-worker.
  • Part of this assignment will be researching how to use WorkBox – hence the partner.
  • You will want to use the LightHouse tool in Chrome DevTools to check for correct PWA compliance.

# Minimum Requirements

# App features/behaviour

  • At least two pages with a summary/detail navigation using React Router
  • The main page should feature an image
  • The app should use a custom Google Font
  • All UI assets should be pre-cached
  • The app should display some dynamic data retrieved from an external API. Make sure that the data you are fetching will be different on a regular basis. Think of something like weather, stocks, crypto currencies, etc.
  • API data should be cached using a StaleWhileRevalidate strategy
    • When the first call to the API is made, cache the response JSON file.
    • When the app is offline, use the cached version of the last JSON file fetched.
  • Other image assets that might be fetched from external sources should be cached using a CacheFirst strategy. This cache should be limited to 50 items and all items should expire after 14 days.
  • After the user has visited the main page of the app three times, prompt to install. See Patterns for promoting PWA installation for design ideas.

# Code management

  • Your main branch should be protected
  • All development should be done on a dev branch or a feature branch
  • When each feature is complete and ready to merge into the main branch, create a pull request and have your partner review the code and approve the pull request.


Make frequent commits. They should be atomic and have a meaningfully descriptive message.

# Submission

  • Create a private repo on GitHub with the name mad9135-f20-c4-react-pwa.
  • Your pair programming partner should be a collaborator on your repo.
  • Deploy the production build to Netlify.
  • Refer to the React production deployment guide.
  • Invite GitHub user rlmckenney as a collaborator on your private repo.
  • Submit both the URL of the GitHub code repo and the Netlify public URL to the Brightspace assignment folder.
  • Only one partner needs to submit on Brightspace.
Last Updated: : 11/13/2020, 11:31:06 AM